

KUCHING, Thursday: Yayasan Perpaduan Sarawak (YPS) will bring its 11 YPS Sape Ambassadors, featuring a diverse ethnic group in Malaysia, to perform at the ‘Sound of Borneo: Rhythm of Sarawak’ in conjunction with the Sarawak Regatta and the Dragon Boat Festival on the evening of October 28 at the Kuching Waterfront.

The YPS Sape Ambassadors who will perform that night are representatives from West Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak. Among list of performers who will be on stage are from the Rungus tribe from Sabah and an Indian from Selangor, accompanied by their local peers, including Ibans, Bidayuh, Malay, Melanau, Kenyah, Punan, and Chinese.

YPS’ involvement at the event this Saturday is to portray a united front among the representatives of each ethnic group, using the Sape as a tool to unify and instil harmony and togetherness in our community. YPS believes that the diverse ethnicities represented that night are living proof that music, whether traditional, modern, or contemporary, can serve as a platform to showcase and elevate intercultural and inter-communal relationships to greater heights.

Sarawak is a well-known state in Malaysia that is successful not only in promoting but also in proving that people from multi-ethnic backgrounds can live in harmony and peace by respecting and tolerating each other.

With that, YPS is taking its chances to bring these talented YPS Sape Ambassadors to perform on the big stage, showcasing the rhythm of Sarawak, to tell the people that Sape and music will bring people together and help them learn from each other about the uniqueness of their own heritage.

The members of the public are invited to come and enjoy the melody and true rhythm of Sarawak with YPS Sape Ambassadors. Among the other performances of the night are Sape Kids from Bungan Creative and a group of Gendang Melayu Sri Buana from Kpg Semariang Batu. The night of Sound of Borneo: Rhythm of Sarawak performances is made possible under the auspices of Majlis Seni Sarawak (MSS).